Day: August 8, 2018

Fixing Windows Admin Center ‘Can’t verify whether “cluster_name” is online’Fixing Windows Admin Center ‘Can’t verify whether “cluster_name” is online’

So you’re trying to add your Hyper-Converged Cluster to Windows Admin Center and it’s giving you the “Can’t verify whether “cluster_name” is online” treatment. You’ve checked DNS, upgraded WAC/Honolulu and tested installing it on multiple servers and workstations. Nothing helped. I have good news! for you:

I ran into this immediately after Project Honolulu became public and have been banging my head continuously. Here’s what to do:

Check the Event Viewer\Applications and Services Logs\Microsoft-ServerMangementExperience for the following entry:

400 - CimException: The xsi:type attribute (p1:MSCluster_Property_Node_PrivateProperties) does not identify an existing class.

This indicates your that WAC is connecting fine to your cluster but is running into an issue where it’s missing some cluster property.

I’ll have to give props to Robert Hochmayr here as he pointed me to the solution:

There are two private properties that are set on the cluster and its nodes which through some combination of events (like adding nodes to the cluster at a later point in time) are missing from nodes. You can find out by running the following PowerShell command on one of your S2D cluster nodes:

get-clusternode | Get-ClusterParameter

The output will look something like this:

Object Name Value Type
------ ---- ----- ----
S2D-01 S2DCacheBehavior 88 UInt64
S2D-01 S2DCacheDesiredState 2 UInt32
S2D-03 S2DCacheDesiredState 2 UInt32
S2D-03 S2DCacheBehavior 88 UInt64

Note that this was a four node cluster.. Nodes S2D-02 and S2D-04 are missing!

Off to the registry to fix it:

At HKLM\Cluster\Nodes\x\Parameters there should be two entries for the above cluster parameters. On my systems, the full registry key Parameters was missing from nodes 1 and 4 (go figure…). I added them *on each host* by running the following command lines:

REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Cluster\Nodes\1\Parameters /f /v  "S2DCacheBehavior" /t REG_QWORD /d "88"
REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Cluster\Nodes\1\Parameters /f /v "S2DCacheDesiredState" /t REG_DWORD /d "2"
REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Cluster\Nodes\4\Parameters /f /v  "S2DCacheBehavior" /t REG_QWORD /d "88"
REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Cluster\Nodes\4\Parameters /f /v "S2DCacheDesiredState" /t REG_DWORD /d "2"

Checking I now get the correct PowerShell output:

get-clusternode | Get-ClusterParameter

Object Name Value Type
------ ---- ----- ----
S2D-01 S2DCacheBehavior 88 UInt64
S2D-01 S2DCacheDesiredState 2 UInt32
S2D-02 S2DCacheBehavior 88 UInt64
S2D-02 S2DCacheDesiredState 2 UInt32
S2D-03 S2DCacheBehavior 88 UInt64
S2D-03 S2DCacheDesiredState 2 UInt32
S2D-04 S2DCacheBehavior 88 UInt64
S2D-04 S2DCacheDesiredState 2 UInt32

Once this was added I was immediately able to add the cluster to Windows Admin Center. No reboots or service restarts were needed.
